

SQLcl New Version and Other Big Stuff

I’ve been meaning to write about SQLcl for quite some time now – a lot is happening in the SQLcl world – but I hadn’t had the chance due to my very busy schedule.

Since some bigger things had happened recently, I feel it is a good opportunity to write about it. I promise to take some time to write (and maybe even video) some guides for SQLcl in the near future.

Okay, enough with the apologies, let’s see what is new.

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oug_scot: SQLcl the next generation of SQLPlus Presentation


I have two last debuts from the Scotland OUG meeting – the presentations.
First, the SQLcl presentation and the demo.sql file to run the things I showed there.

I thank everybody who found the time to come hear me talk and I hope you enjoyed the presentation.

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OUG_SCOT: I was on fire and then the fire alarm went off


it’s been a couple of months since my session at the oug_scot and I feel it’s enough time to write about it…

First of all – it was awesome!

I have never been to a user conference other than the ilOUG in Israel. I went to the Oracle Open World couple of years ago (and I’m not going this year 🙁 ) but it was nothing alike…
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Live Blogging: Oracle User Group Conventions Israel and Scotland

Just a quick note – I was quite busy in the last few days – first there was the Israeli ilOUG convention (it’s still on) but I had to leave early since today I’m speaking at Scotland!

So today I’m speaking at 15:25 – my session is about “Adding Real Time Reporting to Your Database: Oracle In Memory Option”. This is a great session I gave last year in ilOUG SIG group and I added the PoC part we did at Clarizen. I will upload the presentation later today and I will be available to questions on that if you’ve got any.

My seconds session is a joint session with ACE Director Oded Raz – “SQLcl: The Next Generation of SQL*Plus?”. I wrote about SQLcl just a few weeks ago and now we’re presenting it. I will upload the presentation and the live demo document as well.

I hope everything will go okay today – I was told the room we are speaking at is not very big (and that’s a good thing for me). I will upload some pictures later and if you want to read more about my adventures in lovely Scotland on Twitter… 🙂

I have seen the future and it is glorious: SQLcl the next generation of SQL*Plus

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The first time I started using commercial databases was in 1998, in my basic programming course. The course was split into segments and at the first databases lesson, if my memory serves me right, the instructor began the class with the words: “Today we will learn about databases – first, let’s connect to the database using SQLPlus”.

This amazing tool, which almost everyone who works with Oracle databases knows, is one of the simplest yet powerful command line interface for working with the database. SQLPlus has been with us for many, many years – I used to use it back when I was using Oracle 7 and that says a lot. Since this is one of the most convenient tools to understand, and while it’s not very user friendly it does work great with scripts and other automatic procedures. SQLPlus have great integration with the cluster tools – for example, if we’re using it to stop an instance (regular shutdown), the grid infrastructure is aware the shutdown was on purpose, and it will not try to start up the instance node again. It even has other Oracle tools provide its users and its capabilities often (AWR reports for example).

The fact that SQLPlus has been around for so many years could have been considered a disadvantage because we would think it might not have changed over the years but this is not the case. The tools did change over the years – features and other capabilities were added and that allows us to do cool stuff like output our result to HTML format or interact with our scripts. Unfortunately that’s pretty much everything and the basics of the tool did not change.

I Recently became aware of a new tool from Oracle which will ultimately replace SQLPlus. It’s name is SQLcl and I was really impressed.

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